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  • Writer's pictureMeSeed

Hey everyone...just checking in now that the snow around us has melted and we are itching to get into those fields! We are SO GRATEFUL to see the weather cooperate so our friends and neighbours can finish up any harvest that lingered over the winter. Soon we will be in the fields laying down the foundation for the year and smelling that wonderful, soothing scent of freshly turned dirt! Perhaps our favorite thing around here during the Spring...

Be sure to give Brian a call if you are still finalizing this seasons plans. He's happy to help out where he can to get you off to the best start this season.

Happy planting everyone :)

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  • Writer's pictureMeSeed

So our first month of 2020 is already behind us... Time waits for no one and even the bitterly cold temperatures we have been seeing in places has not slowed the clock down.

It's that time of the year where our phones begin to ring with eager producers discussing and creating their Master Plan for feeding the world this year. Who could possibly NOT get excited about the promise of a fresh start each Spring!?!

Do you have your Master Plan drawn out yet? Still a work in progress?? Whatever stage your fresh start is at...give us a call and we'd love to help you out. We have many different varieties to choose from, top quality seed treating available on site, Friendly staff; everything you need to compliment your Spring plans. Call us today!

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